


Step 1: Preparation

  • Lipton Tea Potbag 10x12g 1.0 bag
  • Hot Water 500.0 ml

Step 2: Making

  • Tea Base 150.0 ml
  • Black Grapes Syrup 20.0 ml
  • Pineapple syrup 30.0 ml
  • Sugar water 30.0 ml
  • Lemon Juice 5.0 g
  • Ice cubes 200.0 g
  • Peppermint 2.0 g

Cheers to summer with Black Grapes Pineapple sweet tea! Black grapes are rich in vitamin C, K and A along with flavonoids and minerals, and as such are said to help in boosting one's immunity. They are also rich in sugar and organic acids that help in relieving constipation, indigestion and treating kidney problems.



  1. Step 1: Preparation

    • Tea Base: Brew 1 tea bag (12g) in 1 Lit hot water in 15 min, then take tea bag out of liquid.
  2. Step 2: Making

    • Mix 150ml tea base, 20ml black grapes syrup , 30ml pipeapple syrup, 30ml sugar water, 5ml lemon juice.
    • Fill with ice and some pipeapple/ lemon/ Peppermint. Served cold drink.