


Step 1: Preparation

  • Lipton Tea Potbag 10x12g 1.0 bag
  • Hot Water 500.0 ml

Step 2: Making

  • Tea Base 150.0 ml
  • Fresh strawberries 40.0 ml
  • Lemon and Lemon peel 20.0 g
  • Mojito syrup The Golden Farm​ 45.0 ml
  • Sugar water 20.0 ml
  • Peppermint 5.0 g
  • Rosemary

Nothing is better than a Mojito strawberries Lipton tea for this summer. Lemons and strawberries are rich sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C may help keep your immune system strong and it's also a powerful antioxidant. Mojito strawberries Lipton tea is the ultimate summer drink!



  1. Step 1: Preparation

    • Tea Base: Brew 1 tea bag (12g) in 1 Lit hot water in 15 min, then take tea bag out of liquid.
    • Mashed Orange and lemon
  2. Step 2: Making

    • Add some Ices and Mojito Syrup into a glass.
    • Fill the shaker with tea base and ice , shake the ingredients and pour it in a glass. Top it up with soda.
    • Garnish with a rosemary/lemon/orange. Serve cold dink.