


Broth preparation

Hotpot preparation

  • Elongtusfish (live) 300.0 g
  • Sour creeper leaf (stripping leaf and light crush) 30.0 g
  • Onion slide 10.0 g
  • Big chili slide 5.0 g

Delightful dish with full of flavour to excite one's taste



  1. Broth preparation

    • Arrange all vegetables in the basket.
    • Arrange fresh noodle fish set separately.
    • Mix herb and fried garlic, set aside for topping in hotpot stock.
    • In the hot pot, stir-fry garlic, onion till fragrance. Add water and bring it to boil then add Knorr Pork Broth Base. When boiling, season with Knorr Lime Powder, Knorr Chicken Powder, sugar, fish sauce for adjusting to taste. Ready to serve as a stock base.
  2. Hotpot preparation

    • Add fish and all the vegetables let it boiling again discard the curdle on surface.
    • Add mix herb, fried garlic make a flavour.
    • Dipping with fish sauce and chilli cut slide.
  3. Serve

    • Serve hot with fresh bun and vegetables.