


Step 1: Preparation

  • Lipton Tea Potbag 10x12g 1.0 bag
  • Hot Water 500.0 l

Step 2: Making

Pears are especially rich in vitamin C which help fight inflammation and may decrease your risk of disease. Yellow Pear Tea Drink is the perfect balance between sour and sweet, this drink will leave you feeling refreshed in the summer.



  1. Step 1: Preparation

    • Tea Base: Brew 2 tea bag (12g) in 1 Lit hot water in 15 min, then take tea bag out of liquid.
  2. Step 2: Making

    • Mix 60ml tea base, 100ml Pears Fresh Juice, 30ml Pears Fruit juice, 30ml sugar water, 1g Knorr Lime Powder, fill with ice and serve.