


Advanced Preparation


  • Season seaweeds 120.0 g
  • Sesame 10.0 g


  • Lettuce 150.0 g
  • Salmon egg 20.0 g

Using Knorr Seafood Powder in marinating the prawn contribute a huge rich flavor and taste for this Grilled Prawn with Seasoned Seaweed



  1. Advanced Preparation

    • Peel prawns shell, split up, marinated with Knorr Seafood Powder, sesame oil and pepper.
    • Wash and rinse lettuce, then drain.
  2. Cooking

    • Grill the prawns until cooked.
    • Seasoned seaweed mix with stir fried sesame.
  3. Serving

    • Put a layer of seasoned seaweed with sesame on plate, then display the prawn on top. Decorate with lettuce and salmon eggs.