Here’s how to use your leaf garnishes as the main and what pairings work best.
Some leaves are usually just used as a garnish, but what if we told you that they can also be one of your secret ingredients in food pairing? Here’s how and what to combine them with to create unique tastes.
Artichokes have a bitter taste and an astringent mouthfeel that is smoothened with butter. They also contain cynarine, which makes the butter taste sweet. This combo tastes especially delicious with garlic and tarragon.
Sage has an almost medicinal flavour. The creamy, neutral butter works well with this acquired taste, and they team up in sauces for veal, chicken or pasta.
Garlic is pungent, warm, aromatic, sweet and spicy. It needs a versatile partner like light, fresh and bitter parsley. Together with chilli, they make for a fiery trio that can lift up fish, meat and vegetables.
Payaya Salad with chicken is tasty, trendy and nutrious dish which is familiar and favourite for all ages.
Light, fresh, salty and sweet, this is the ultimate summer fusion. The dry briny cheese contrasts well with the juicy watermelon, while the fresh mint clears the palate.
Both have citrus aromas, and basil rounds out the sweet ripe taste of the fruit. This is perfect for desserts, and surprisingly good in savoury dishes. One example is a strawberry risotto with fresh goat cheese and basil.
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